Monday, August 17, 2015
Three Cold Tater Tots
Part of the problem is that I have been worrying about the class for two weeks now. I even had nightmares last night in which I couldn't find the classroom, couldn't work the technology, had forgotten everything about literature I ever knew. I have been fortifying myself with caffeine all day to remain functional, and my body is even now shaking because of how "done" it is with that strategy.
Nothing that one is stressed out over that much is ever going to go well, probably.
My first impression was how much I missed my little classroom. I get so used to having everything I need at my fingertips, on a shelf, in a drawer, that being transplanted somewhere else was a huge adjustment. Not since my days at Aichi University have I done the traveling bag-o-stuff teacher routine. Even there, I was usually close to my office, so if I found myself in need of something, I could just run back. Tonight, I felt a little like a castaway, just me and my little raft of supplies staying afloat.
And I think my raft had a bit of a leak.
Even though I had planned, I didn't have nearly enough to fill the long night class. My pacing was all off. We finished too early, and now I feel like I failed somehow. The funny thing is, I'm sure the students were as happy as only a night class student let out early can be. I'm surprised they didn't all grow wings and simply fly away in beatific joy.
I sat in the classroom after everyone was gone and worked on the plans for next week. It won't happen again, folks. Two teachers and a small army of assistants couldn't get all the way through what I've got set up for next Monday.
I turned out all the lights, shut down all the computers, and walked through the beginnings of a heavy rain to my car. The drive home was an adventure due to road work which had erased all the stripes on two lanes of interstate and interspersed it all with cones and unexpected surface height shifts. The rain that had been drizzling at the college came down enough to slow traffic to a crawl. When I finally got home, I was exhausted and discouraged. I grabbed the Sonic bag that had held my ersatz dinner, and inside were three sad, cold tater tots. I sat with the door open, rain spattering on the arm rest, and ate them one by one.
Next Monday won't be like this. There won't be a lackluster lesson (we have THREE pieces of literature to look at next week spanning THREE separate literary movements, I-thank-you-very-much). I won't have a cup of Sonic fried chicken as my main evening meal. I will have a teacher kit that boggles the mind on hand. There will be PowerPoints, handouts, guiding questions, and yes, maybe even drama.
But never again, Scarlett O'Hara hand clenched and God as my witness, will there be an empty classroom too early and three sad cold tater tots in the bag at the end of the day.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Press Passes
I made these today. I am probably twelve times as excited about them as any of the students will be, but hey. Take your joy where you find it, right?
34-second Tour
Today, a huge tree fell on a power line, and we wound up having to dismiss early since we had no electricity. While I was waiting for campus to clear, I shot this. Maybe the lovely Punch Brothers music will keep you from having vertigo....
34-second tour of my classroom #flipagram made with @flipagram .
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Shakespeare in Action
As I walked around, I was thoroughly pleased to see all the students busily marking up their passages, and their notes were insightful and on-track. No one was fussing. No one was throwing up hands in frustration. At this point, I successfully managed to resist the urge to jump up and down in the back of the classroom and clap my hands in glee. Dignity, people. Always dignity…. (And if you’ve never seen Singin’ in the Rain, you might not get the full measure of meaning for that quote….)
Sunday, August 9, 2015
The First Days
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Voices from the Past
This is my second year to do a beginning of the year bulletin board containing advice from my former students to my current ones. I like the way it connects the past and the present.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Dollar Tree Is a Teacher's Best Friend
Today's Dollar Tree MVP item is the plastic party tablecloth. A basic black one became the foundation for a pair of bulletin boards I had to get ready in a hurry, but I found they have exciting new patterned ones, too, which I scooped up for later use.
(What do you mean normal people are not excited by bulletin boards or tablecloths? I don't understand you....)
What We Were....
A colleague brought this by. She found it in a cabinet in her room. Newspaper is my great mountain to climb this year. I'm excited, but I know this year is going to be a seat-of-the-pants journey. This gives me a goal to shoot for. Someday, I hope we will have another one to put beside this.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
The Way It Starts
Monday, August 3, 2015
Shakespeare Is Ready
A New Year Begins
What you can expect from this blog:
1) Random snippets of my day
2) Ideas and activities that have worked for me
3) Ideas and activities from which the wheels came off completely
4) Resources I've found
5) Pictures of stuff in my classroom
6) Whatever else seems to fit or is shiny enough to catch my attention at the time.
We'll see how it goes, people. We'll just see how it goes.